Strategy, People, Processes, Technology, Risk management
The three “Ps” of a supplier:
- Performance
- Three traditional measures: Economical, quality, on time delivery
- Collaboration with engineering
- Proposal of cost reductions
- Proposal of process improvements
- Going beyond the requirements
- Must be based in supporting processes
- Performance of a supplier is usually what people will focus at; however performance alone is not enough to define a good supplier
- Position
- Willingness to collaborate
- Proactive in eliminating waste
- Sharing of gains
- Effectively helping when required
- Agreeing to the contracts
- Accepting obligations
- A supplier defaulting in position is a supplier that may have a good performance and the right profile … until things go wrong
- Profile
- Acceptable risk and dependency levels
- Right capabilities (industrial and technical support)
- Right capacity
- Right size to follow our growth and fulfil our needs
- Right geographical location
- A supplier defaulting in profile is not fit for our purpose, despite to the fact their actual position and performance could be good